
Is The A-10 Warthog Still In Service

  • The A-10 Warthog, which first entered service in the late 1970s, will keep flying in Air Force service until 2040—or afterwards.
  • The A-ten will simply be restricted to combat against enemies with little or no air defenses, ending the jet's career as a tank killer.

    The U.S. Air Force has decided to proceed the A-x "Warthog" close air support jet in service until 2040. The jet, designed to dominate Common cold State of war battlefields, will still be flying 50 years subsequently the collapse of the Soviet Union. That'south the good news. The bad news? The service is downgrading the jet's mission, from one flight over tank columns on the ground to bombing bandits and insurgents in lightly defended airspace.

    The Air Force, Air Strength Magazine reports, plans to cut 44 jets from the A-10'due south standing fleet of 281 aircraft. The remaining 237 jets will fly on in seven squadrons split among 3 active duty, three National Baby-sit, and one reserve squadron, respectively. Retiring a portion of the fleet volition enable the service to fund upgrades designed to go along the A-ten flying along much, much newer planes, and tap into the Air Force'south new generation of networking and communications systems, boosting the airplane'due south overall usefulness on the digital battleground of the future.

    skorea us military
    An A-x flying over Republic of korea, equipped with two Maverick missiles and two Sidewinder missiles...neither of which can be carried by the F-35.

    JUNG YEON-JE Getty Images

    In improver to the A-10s, the Air Force plans to cut 29 aeriform refueling tankers, 24 C-130H transport shipping (the current version is the -J), 24 Global Hawks drones, and 17 B-1B Lancer bombers. All of the manned aircraft are older planes, particularly the aerial refueling tankers, some of which entered service in the 1950s. Older planes are typically more expensive to keep in service, as sourcing spares and the lifespan of key parts becomes an consequence. By retiring older planes, the Air Strength hopes to free upwards funds to buy and support new planes.

    The A-x is existence kept on i condition, though: information technology is no longer designated to wing over heavily defended battlefields. The Air Force is convinced the aircraft, designed to unleash missiles, rockets, bombs, and its GAU-8/A 30-millimeter Gatling gun is no longer able to fly over "double digit" air defenses. These include the SA-xi "Buk" surface-to-air missile system, SA-15 "Tor" surface-to-missile organisation, SA-24 "Needle" shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile, and the truck-mounted SA-22 "Pantsir-1" missile arrangement.

    Instead, the Warthog is now relegated to supporting U.S. troops over "lightly contested or defended" air infinite. Recall insurgents driving pickup trucks with machine guns bolted to the bed, plus a shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile or two. Call up Afghanistan or Somalia—not Russia or Mainland china.

    us air force
    A U.S. Air Force F-35A flying with its internal weapons bays exposed.

    NurPhoto Getty Images

    What volition replace the A-10 in the skies over America's "peer" adversaries? The F-35, of course.

    In one respect that's the correct decision—despite America's fondness for the A-10, it would probably get shot down in droves by a competent enemy fielding modern air defense guns and missiles. The F-35 is faster and more than responsive to the fast-moving ground battle, and its stealthy qualities make it less of a target. Its sensors and communications allow it to collect information on ground threats so the pilot can effectively counter them.

    The problem with the F-35 in the close air support office is that it lacks armament. The A-10 Thunderbolt bristles with weapons, from the GAU-8/A Avenger 30-millimeter Gatling gun (with ane,174 rounds) to Bohemian missiles, seventy-millimeter rockets, and guided and unguided bombs. The F-35, on the other hand, is armed with the GAU-22 "Equalizer" 25-millimeter gun (with only 181 rounds) and can carry just two laser- or satellite-guided bombs in its internal payload bays. The F-35 tin can carry more bombs on fly mounted pylons, but doing then increases the jet's visibility to enemy radars.

    Even so, the F-35 may not go along the close air back up mission for long. The F-35A currently costs $45,000 an hour to fly, and the Air Strength may determine that the mission should go toward a cheaper unmanned aircraft capable of flying missions over contested airspace. A amend solution down the road might be large numbers of cheap but heavily armed drones, with the pilot of a manned aircraft planning drone strikes from a condom altitude. The ideal aircraft for this mission? The A-10.

    The Air Force'due south decision is a mixed victory for fans of the A-10. The semi-mythical ideal of the A-10 equally an invincible, titanium-armored valkyrie flying over legions of enemy tanks, flattening them like pancakes while avoiding volleys of enemy missiles, is over for good.

    Still, the 1970s-era Warthog is flying far longer than anyone ever expected and may even get the last laugh over the F-35.

    Author on Defense and Security issues, lives in San Francisco.

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