
How To Clean A Bike Chain With Household Products

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Instead of using the traditional degreaser establish in the market, you can use a homemade 1 that can be prepared using ingredients easily available in your kitchens, similar vinegar, blistering soda, borax, tabular array salt, etc. It can be applied simply by using some cloth and one-time brushes.

Imagine you lot are on a scenic ride, but your cycle chain decides to function oddly. It suddenly requires yous to exert more forcefulness, and the shifting is non shine at all. It starts slipping off the cassette. Or even worse, the chain breaks. Wouldn't that ruin your entire journey?

While at that place can be a host of reasons for something like this to happen, the most mutual thing that leads to near cycle problems is an unclean and greasy chain.

That is why information technology is recommended to clean your wheel chain once every iii-iv weeks thoroughly.

A degreaser is the solution to all these troubles. This article will guide you through the unabridged procedure of making an constructive degreaser at domicile and the all-time way to use it.

Homemade degreaser - how to make and use it

What is a Degreaser?

Many water-insoluble substances like oil, grease, abrasive clay, lubricants, corrosive products, etc., cannot be cleaned past simple means. And so they even so remain fifty-fifty afterwards the regular launder-up sessions.

You demand to use special solvent-based cleaning agents called degreasers for such dirt and filth. They are chemical products made specifically to remove water-insoluble dirt and filth.

These cleansing agents have applications both on a commercial and domestic scale. From kitchen cabinets to heavy aircraft, degreasers are ordinarily used for the emptying of grease.

Most commercially produced degreasers are made to clean some specific sort of grease.

Merely some manufacturers in the cleansing industry make all-purpose degreasers that are less powerful but become rid of a wide variety of usual greases.

Advantages of Using Homemade Degreasers

Although you lot can purchase several types of degreasers from the market to clean your bike concatenation, there are many convincing reasons to adopt a DIY degreaser.

Following are some of the important advantages of using a degreaser for your bicycle concatenation prepared at dwelling.


Conventional degreasers are often very expensive. Making i at habitation is much more cost-effective, equally all the ingredients involved are cheap and hands available.


Some of the commercially produced degreasers contain environmentally harmful substances, such as kerosene oil and petrol.

Only in the case of homemade degreasers, all the ingredients used and the preparation procedure is completely environs friendly.


Regularly used cleansing agents consist of several substances that are not supposed to exist around food storage and meal training areas.

Moreover, you have to be actress conscientious while using them. So why not apply a degreaser that is all-natural and contains no toxic components?

Like shooting fish in a barrel Awarding

There are several ways you tin can employ a homemade degreaser. Yous can spray it on the chain direct, soak information technology in the mixture for some time, or employ using an old cloth or castor.

The application depends on the recipe you lot used, but all methods are very simple and effortless.

Dirty bike chain ready for degreasing
Homemade degreasers are a upkeep and eco-friendly alternative to shop-bought items

How to Set a Homemade Degreaser?

Several recipes can be used to brand degreasers at dwelling house. Following are some of the nigh-used techniques that have proved to exist highly effective when it comes to cleaning bike chains.

1. Mixture of Salt, Washing Soda & 1 Or More than Vital Oil

This degreaser is i of the less intense ones and is effective to remove dirt and impurities that are not too stern.

There are two steps to this technique:

First, have 1/2 cup of table salt, 1/4 loving cup of washing soda, and 16 ounces of baking soda.

Add together ane/4 loving cup of h2o and mix all these in a basin. Apply the mixture on the surface and exit it for some fourth dimension.

For the side by side step, mix ten drops of thyme oil, 10 drops of vital citrus oil, and 3/4 cups of distilled vinegar in a spray canteen. Shake it properly and spray it over the paste. Now, wipe it make clean.

This technique is non suitable to make clean chains, and that's why it is recommended for parts like cassette cogs.

ii. Blistering Soda, Vinegar & Ammonia

For this recipe, you will demand a gallon of water, a cup of ammonia, 1/2 cup of vinegar, and i/iv cup of baking soda.

Pour each element into a bucket or a big container, and stir nicely. The mixture tin can be stored to utilise later. Yet, you will have to go along it covered and milkshake it before each use.

The mixture should be strong enough to reduce well-nigh of the grease, just if needed, you can make information technology fifty-fifty stronger past adding a little more vinegar and baking soda.

As a result of their remarkable grease-removing capabilities, both these elements are essential components of almost every cleansing product.

This degreaser is pretty much an all-purpose cleanser, and from the kitchen flooring to nether the hood of your machine, it can clean everything.

iii. Borax, Vinegar, and Salt

Borax is a chemical compound (sodium borate) derived from the natural minerals found in dry out lakes.

It is a powdery white substance and must not be confused with boric acid, which is used in manufacturing pesticides. Borax is a booster component in detergents and household cleaners.

Borax is a great culling for baking soda and is an effective ingredient for bike chain degreasers.

For this recipe, take a gallon of h2o, 2 cups of borax, 8 cups of white (distilled) vinegar, and two cups of table salt.

Stir everything nicely. And but like the previous recipe, if the solution is not strong enough, you can add more borax and vinegar.

You tin can spray it directly on the surface or submerge the chain into the solution. However, be careful while using this degreaser, equally borax can cause irritation on contact with pare.

Dirty bike chain
Many substances can exist added to bootleg degreasers, such as ammonia, borax, baking soda, and washing soda

4. Ammonia & Water

The concluding recipe for a homemade degreaser on our list is an ammonia and h2o mixture.

Ammonia is probably the about popular selection for cleaning agents for oils, lubricants, grease, etc.

Information technology is mostly used in small portions along with h2o and citric acid, merely that mixture is not powerful enough for your grimy bike chains.

To go rid of the clinging dirt from your bicycle chain, brand a 50/50 mixture of ammonia and h2o. So add a modest amount of Castile soap, and stir the solution properly.

Recollect that ammonia is a powerful chemical, and it tin cause problems in patients with asthma, bronchitis, etc. It is advised to brand this degreaser in a well-ventilated expanse.

Best Ways to Use a Homemade Concatenation Degreaser

And so far, I have gone through the advantages of homemade degreasers and covered different recipes to set them.

But what are the most productive means to employ them?

How to make clean your bike concatenation with a bootleg degreaser in such a way that no unwanted dirt or grease is left?

Follow the methods given beneath to go the best results from a degreaser prepared at home.

On-Bicycle Degreasing & Cleaning Without Removing Concatenation

If your wheel chain is not-removable with no master link, or you practise not call back that it needs an intense, in-depth cleaning session, you can clean it using this simple degreasing technique.

You will need a carpet, a cleaning brush with stiff beard, a garden hose, a chain keeper (optional), and a container for a degreaser.

There are ii approaches to this method. One involves the utilize of a chain keeper, while for the other one; y'all do non need any special tools.

Put the cycle on a freestanding rack or residuum it up with the wheels directed skywards. Spray the degreaser on the chain, or use wet wipes to use information technology thoroughly. Now place the cleaning castor on the chain.

Remember that the bristles of the brush should exist moderately stiff, i.due east., non so soft that it tin't scrape off the muck and not so potent it amercement inner links.

Similarly, the pressure should also be somewhere in the center. Now scrub and brush the degreaser by backpedaling the chain through the castor at unlike angles.

In case you are worried that the excess degreaser will damage your breaking surface or hub bearing, y'all can remove the chain off the cassette and set it on a concatenation keeper.

After you're done cleaning the chain, it'southward fourth dimension for the other parts of the drivetrain. Utilize the degreaser to the cassette and chainring. Information technology's fourth dimension to brush each crank and cog.

Exercise the aforementioned for derailleurs. Rinse the chain and all the remaining parts using the hose.

Finally, dry the wheel using a piece of cloth and utilize any standard lube.

Such cleansing sessions should be done in one case or twice a week, more often in the case of off-route mountain bikes.

Detailed Bike Chain Degreasing & Cleaning

Although the method mentioned above volition piece of work for nearly regular riders, sometimes your bike concatenation needs more than intensive cleaning.

Moreover, information technology is necessary to properly wash your bike chain and rest of the drivetrain time-to-time to save the parts from wearing out soon.

Using your homemade degreaser, this next technique will help you lot give a professional person workshop-level detailed wash at home.

Tools that are required for this degreasing method are cassette and chainring removing tools (lockring tool, chain whip hex keys, etc.), a stiff-bristled castor, a container (preferably plastic), an air compressor (optional), and a homemade degreaser.

Kickoff of all, remove the bike chain using chain removal tools. The chain with quick reusable links can be removed very easily.

Remove the rear wheel and cassette with the help of a concatenation whip and lockring tool. Remove each crank of the chainring, or remove the side pedal and then take out the whole chainring.

Identify the dirty concatenation in a jar/container full of degreaser and shake it vigorously. Exit it for some fourth dimension. While the chain is soaked in degreaser, employ degreaser on cassette sprockets and chainring cranks, and scrub off all the crud using a rug or a cleaning brush.

Now, have the chain out of the degreaser container, and brush it thoroughly at different angles along the whole length. Rinse all three components with h2o and dry out them out.

Clean derailleurs, muzzle, and residuum of the drivetrain with the rag.

Use an air compressor to push grit out of the holes and cutouts. If the air compressor isn't available, yous tin apply an sometime toothbrush or any cleaning brush with stiff beard.

Reinstall all the components and lube the concatenation.

Non only does this degreasing technique allow you to clean the chain and other parts minutely, just it as well gives you a timely opportunity to inspect any damaged or worn-out office.

More Things to Remember

There are some of import things to know about bootleg wheel chain degreasers and how to use them.

How Strong Should The Degreaser be?

The degreaser should simply be moderately strong. If it is too powerful, it tin can impairment the chain and other components of the bike.

How Frequently Should I Clean My Bicycle Chain?

While every rider should clean and degrease their bike at least once every week, the number should be college if you ride more than usual.

Similarly, off-road and mountain bikes likewise need to be degreased more frequently.

Can I Utilize Dishwasher Lather To Clean My Bike Chain?

Yep, you can. In fact, dishwasher detergents, like Dawn Washing Lather, are the most popular culling for degreasers.

Are all Homemade Degreasers Non-Toxic and Eco-Friendly?

Since bootleg degreasers are made from ingredients normally found in homes, they are all eco-friendly and degradable.

Plus, almost every homemade degreaser is significantly less toxic to apply compared to commercially produced ones. Still, precautions are always necessary.

Final thoughts

In the end, the advice is to prefer preparing the bike chain degreaser at dwelling equally it is more cost-effective and fairly like shooting fish in a barrel to make. Ever keep your drivetrain clean and free of all the unnecessary grease. Happy (and clean) riding!


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